We started our day today with an executive functioning activity. We worked on remembering items in a collection. I showed the children 9 items on a tic-tac-toe grid. I had them draw their own grid before I showed the items, then I named each item, left it on the second for 30 seconds, then had them draw as many items as they remembered. I put 9 items on hoping they would remember some of them, but knowing they would not be able to remember all of them. We talked about remembering details, and how organizing our paper and thinking about the arrangement might help us remember the items. We will play more of these types of games to continue to exercise our memory and make it stronger! This is a fun game for a family to play as well! It's an old wedding and baby shower game!
We continued talking about characters today. We compared two characters from different stories, then wrote our opinion of which character we liked better. We know when we write an opinion we have to tell what our opinion is and a reason. The children worked on their own to write and draw a picture, although I had modeled an example of what they could do. Then, I asked the children to take a picture of their writing on Seesaw. Many of the children were able to do that on their own, and a few needed a little help. I know it will get easier! I math we learned about hexagons, and practiced using precise math language when talking about shapes. We used words such as sides, corners or verticies or angles, and flat shape. We added the red word "got' to our collection of words. We continued to practice working with /i/ . We had a great day! Miss Wolfe
We had a busy day! We started our day chatting in small groups in breakout rooms as students came in. They were talking about characters from movies. A couple groups had some problems. One group had someone screaming and yelling while kids were trying to talk. We had talked about a signal we could use to let people know they needed to stop so someone else could be heard. Another group had friends who did not stick to the topic. This is why we do these types of activities. Learning to stick to the topic is something we work on in kindergarten. We will continue to work on listening to each other as well. When we came back together, I asked the children to tell me what someone else said in their group, and some were not able to do that. We also need to work to be sure the kids are learning the names of other children.
In Benchmark, we read a shared reading about a fox and a bear. Ask me to tell you what happened in this very short story. We practiced visualizing as I read, so we did not look at the illustrations first. We read the story and drew what we visualized, talked a little about the details in the story that should also be in the illustration, then looked at the illustration in the book and compared. We added details to show how the characters were feeling. We talked about the word sneaky. Ask me to tell you what it means to be sneaky and who was sneaky in the story. We talked more about the characters in Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We talked about text dependent questions, or 'right :there" questions that are in the book and illustration. Then we talked about the characters and chose one to describe in writing. In math, we talked about triangles, and what makes a triangle. We also used virtual geoboards to make triangles, rectangles and squares. The link to this is in my Google classroom. Let's hope this rain stops soon! Have a nice evening! Miss Wolfe We had a busy day! We started our day with a biography about Joe Biden, written by his wife Jill Biden. The book is called Joey, and it tells stories about Biden's childhood and a little about his life as an adult, and the experiences that led to him becoming a leader. This book had many clear examples of how even as a young person, you can begin the skills necessary to become a leader, which fits perfectly with our Social Studies curriculum right now. Ask me to tell you about what I learned about Joe Biden!
In reading, we listened to another version of Goldilocks and the Three Bears written by Steven Kellogg. This book has more details than the version we read several times in Benchmark. We practiced asking and answering who, what and where questions, as well as answering these questions too. We reviewed red words we already have studied, and introduced two new words, had and can. Ask me to sing you our three letter word song with the words had and can. The song we sing is to the tune of "Here We Go 'Round the Mulberry Bush." The words go like this: We can spell can C-A-N C-A-N C-A-N We can spell can C-A-N, We can spell can. We also began working with /t/. The children continue to work hard going through the Orton Gillingham routines. We are working hard to move more quickly through the drills, which is an important part of this program. In math, we began our lesson with a fluency drill of making five. The children were presented with groups of dots and had to draw more to make five. They needed to do this quickly. They did a great job and were very quick! We started a short geometry unit. We will be learning about flat and solid shapes. Today we sorted shapes that had either curved or straight lines. We will be building vocabulary necessary to talk about the shapes so the students are able to talk about the characteristics of the shapes, and not just name the shapes. Have a nice evening! Miss Wolfe Thursday and Friday I was finishing up retesting foundational skills that need to be reported out on the report card each marking period. Once a child has completed all the items on the checklist, they aren't retested, but it's meant to be done throughout the year because this is what we are learning in kindergarten. I was able to pull kids into breakout rooms to do this work, while the other kids worked independently. This showed me how hard they have come this first marking period. They were able to do their work, follow directions, navigate with a little support to other sites to do work, and read on their own away from the screen. I think that's amazing for five and six year olds to be able to do all that in the beginning of November. Thank-you for your support, especially in helping the children toggle to Google classroom and Seesaw. As the children become more comfortable with these sites, I will be able to add more that they can do independently. Today we talked about feelings. We looked at some Todd Parr feelings flashcards, then read his book online. The children then drew in the style of Todd Parr and wrote sentences to go with their feelings pictures. Ask me to show you my feelings pictures. In the afternoon, we worked independently in the Google classroom and on Seesaw, and also played one of the Bingo counting games in our folder. Your child can go to Google classroom and Seesaw anytime to work on activities and games. I will release new activities that I want them to do in class as we do them, so anything they don't finish in class, they can do another time if they want, or at another time in class. I wanted to read to the children before we dismissed for the weekend. I read the book Just Ask! by Sonia Sotomayor. This beautiful book is about differences, and learning about how those differences really show us how much we are the same. We will be reading this book again and doing several lessons with it next week, but I wanted them to hear the beauty of the book before I stopped along the way to talk about the content. I'm including a YouTube reading of the story if you would like to listen to it with your child. Just a reminder that the children do not have school on Monday. I will send out a revised schedule for Wednesdays from now on.
I hope you have a wonderful, relaxing weekend! Miss Wolfe We talked about voting and elections today. We didn't talk about the candidates for president, but we talked about what a president does and watched a video to learn more about the duties of a president. Ask me to tell you one thing the president has to do. We read a great book called I Voted: Making a Choice Makes a Difference, by Marc Shulman. This book is so well-done. It makes voting understandable to young children. It also talks about the results of voting not always being what you want it to be, but it's still important to vote. Stay safe!
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